My thoughts on “The Next Big Thing”

I just got finished listening to podcast 145 where the question came up asking what is Apple’s “Next Big Thing.”

Here’s what I think might be down the road for Apple, maybe in January.

1. AppleTV becomes a DVR, maybe even via EyeTV. This would be the feature that would get me to buy one, and probably a lot of other people. I think this is the feature that could put AppleTV on the map- DVR without a monthly fee.

2. Movie rentals in iTunes and more movie studios on board. I’m all for movie rentals, but leave the music subscription out of iTunes.

3. The ultra portable MacBook – the MacBook Mini.

4. A tablet Mac. Many people don’t like the idea of a tablet Mac, but I do. As an artist this would definitely appeal to me. I have a Wacom tablet, but I would love to have the tablet become my computer.

Will these four items happen? Will they bring the next big thing to Apple? I don’t know. I guess we’ll have to wait an see.

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