My Poor Feet – Macworld Expo 2008

My Poor Feet

I’m bearing up bravely, but my poor feet are gonna be a mess by Friday.

If you have listened to Podcast #162, you’ve heard Tim mention our dinner last night. There is no charitable way to describe the food at Original Joe’s on Taylor Street. It was expensive at about $40 a person, and appallingly bad. We could have eaten at Burger King and had a better meal for a lot less and not walked four miles there and back. I ordered the cheesecake for desert. and didn’t finish it! Do you know how horrible cheesecake has to be for me not to scrape the plate clean with my fork?
But, having said that, I also want to mention how much fun I had. Of the ten people, only a few had met in person, but we were joking and carrying on as though we’d known each other for years. The unflavored cardboard food only gave us more to laugh about and badmouth.

Today, the MyMac Crew got up early and headed down to Moscone South to pick up our media badges. Trouble is, IDG has decided that only those worthy of seeing Steve Jobs’ keynote got media badges today. All other media people must wait until after the keynote Tuesday to pick up their badges.

A minor glitch, but our Hardy Band immediately decided how they should have done it so that we and all the other unworthies could have picked up our badges today and still not have been granted entry into the holy of holies. Again an opportunity for the good time we were having together to make another situation into a fun event.

At three p.m., we met with others, both listeners of the podcasts and writers. Shortly thereafter we convened to the lower lever of Moscone South to shoot a video podcast. When that video becomes available, download it and enjoy the good times with us.

So, here it is only Monday evening and already I’m looking for a place to sit. I attended the User Group Wine and Cheese Reception earlier tonight, and fortunately, I was able to find an empty chair right in front of the stage so I could “Do” a couple of exhibitor tables and then bring my swag back to the table where my goody bag and coat were. There were lots of exhibitors we know . . . Western Digital, Peachpit, and about a two dozen others . . . including ProSoft who will be hosting the contest will be holding this week.

Then, right at the end of the event, who should show up but the Woz himself. Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple and I had a chance to chat for a bit before the room emptied.

Good Times!

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