My New Online Art Gallery

I now have an online art gallery where high quality prints of my illustrations
and photographs can be purchased. It is through a framing company that I have
been purchasing picture frames from for years, American Frame. About a month
ago I got an email saying they were opening an online art gallery for artists
to display their work and sell high quality prints of the work. I didn’t hesitate
to sign up. It was with a company I trust, and I’m always looking for more
ways to promote my work.

Right now my gallery is mostly made up of photography
I’ve done, but there are a few children’s illustrations in there, too. I’m
hoping to get more illustration work, and less photography, into the gallery

you’re interested, you can check out my gallery of work by clicking here.
Feel free to make a purchase, too. 🙂

If you want to see more of my work visit

you’re an artist/photographer, you might want to look into joining the site.
Find the details at American

For the record, I’m not getting paid by American Frame to write this blog.
They don’t even know about it. However, if you need picture frames at great
prices (and don’t mind a little work to assemble them), I highly recommend
giving them a try.

(links above will open in a new window)

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