My #1 Feature Request for iPhoto

Hopefully, we will be seeing iLife ’07 sooner rather than later, and with it a slew of new iPhoto features. One feature I would love to see is the ability to see what is on a connected camera, and only download those photos that you want.

What would be the point of this? Well, I’ll give you an example of when this would have come in handy for me.

Last Fall my family had a party and my uncle took a bunch of pictures that he wanted to download to my mother’s computer. However, he also had over 100 pictures on his camera from a recent golfing trip he took. In order to get the party pictures off the camera, we had to download all the pictures, included the golf trip.

It would have been nice to have connected the camera, or memory card, and selected only the photos we wanted to download. Instead, we had to waste time downloading, and then deleting, my uncle’s golf trip photos.

Of all the features I can think of that I would like to see in iPhoto, this has to be number one on my list. If anyone knows of a plug-in that will do this already please post it below or email me.

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