Mountain MacBook: Can’t Get Enough [UPDATED]

One thing for absolutely sure, this thing has got me hooked. I’m not going to lust after a discounted PowerMac G5 if Apple does similar magic on the new line of Mac Pro desktops.

To dispense with a concern from my last report, Dreamweaver 8.0.2 is doing fine, now that I upgraded the MacBook to 2 GB of RAM. The app opens significantly more quickly now than it ever did on the old 400 MHz B&W G3, and all interface operations are snappy and clean. But this did require the upgrade from Dreamweaver 8.0 as well as the maxed-out memory! Or was it the preceding version 8.0 re-installation? Nah. I say the latest software and RAM. The point is, if you’re having trouble, go for broke on the memory.

But now I’m stuck. I don’t want to use any other computer but the MacBook. I run the battery down to empty twice a day sitting in a comfy chair like I am now. The 1.83 GHz white plastic MacBook is now my main email and work machine. I even revised a client’s Web site last night without using the B&W G3’s big CRT monitor, thanks to Dreamweaver 8’s tabbed document window viewing. In fact, I ran the battery down again and finished up with the MacBook plugged in at my desk. I could have transferred the files — file sharing is so drop-dead easy on a network with OS X — but I’m addicted to the faster operation on the new machine. This presents all kinds of problems/opportunities for workspace reorganization. Since I’m so happy with the increased speed of the Intel system in general, I know I’ll be holding out for a Mac Pro when I can handle the damage.

I’m in trouble now. Having tasted the latest technology for the first time since I bought the revered 8600 (sitting under a tarp in the storage unit), I don’t ever want to go back. It was the same with me with OS X: I bitched for at least a couple of years, but when I finally tried it, OS 9 was like a joke. A bad joke. But now I’m with the program. Hey, I could hook up the MacBook to a monitor and run it closed, with a keyboard. I could turn the G3 into a file server. There would be more desk space, perhaps. A sound studio. Who knows? I just want to maximize all the good stuff, keep the party going.

So here we are. Things are changing, and it’s about time. Why, DSL is coming to the end of George Torres Road out here on the Llano mesa south of Taos. I can hardly believe it, and I was this close to signing up for Wild Blue satellite service. I’m going crazy with anticipation, planning to get the high-zoot 1.5 MBps service so I can fling sound files back and forth and do video chats. It’s going to be a whole era around here. Tim said it would be “Farr 2.0.” We shall see. There’s plenty of work to do, and I’m looking forward to it.

Halleluja! Maybe we can even get a little world peace.

UPDATE: 8-10-2006, 10:07 a.m. MDT — I forgot to mention two-finger scrolling. This feature alone has changed my life. I don’t know when it was introduced, but I can’t live without it now.

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