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No Gaz this week as he’s off on one of those pesky vacations but Guy isn’t flying solo as Tim Verpoorten from SurfBits and the Mac ReviewCast jumps in. They talk about how it’s Tim’s fault his wife hit their garage, bad multiple modems, and a weird iPhoto Library issue. From there it’s off to Some Mountain Lion talk, the death of yet another Apple cloud service, and bigger iPhones with smaller connectors. It’ll all make sense once you listen trust me!
Some Links
No time for prayer? Not to worry technology has you covered!
The “Save As” command is back in a way
Guy’s App Pick: Growl from the Growl Project LLC $2.99 at the Mac App Store
Tim’s App Pick: NetNewsWire from NewsGator Technologies for iOS or for the Mac from their web site
Also from Tim Fiplab mobile application crafters
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