– About those two long drives and two long flights I’ve got ahead of me in the next week. Here’s hoping I can get some sleep during the two flights. Not so much during the two drives.
– Thousands of Microsoft Zune users found that their product had mysteriously frozen up on New Year’s Eve. That’s stunning news – there are thousands of Zune users?!?
– More evidence that I’ll never be able to have a steady internet connection no matter where I go, which computer I’m using, how I’m connecting, or what service provider I’m using: in the past month I’ve had to replace two dead wireless routers, one faulty coaxial cable, and swap out one faulty cable modem. And that’s after moving out of my last apartment more or less because I never could get steady internet service there. Sadly, I’ve ruled out every possibility other than statistically impossible bad luck.
– While I was typing that last paragraph, the internet went out again.
– No, I’m not making that up.
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