Monday Obscurities

Here is an obscure notice about something so astonishing that we just had to include it here. It seems that this little plastic ‘controller’ that is recently released in Japan, is used to control the rings of Saturn! Somebody inform JPL and the Cassini Huygens team!

(Redneck News) Originally planned as just a bundle for a Japanese version of Puyo Pop Fever, heavy demand from Rings fans has caused Sega to release a new USB version of its semi-famous Sega Saturn controller. The controller is the original, pre-Nights version. Although there’s no plans to release the $30 controller in the States, it’s likely importers like Lik-Sang will sell it via their website — preorders can be made at Sega Direct, but they don’t ship to the US.

I’m not much into games, except a bit of Shanghai and Klondike, but I remember Sega. Didn’t they use to make those dumb black fiberboard video games found in shopping malls? How is it that they now have a controller to affect Saturn’s rings?

What? No. I already know that those obscure Saturn cars are not actually built on Saturn. They are built in the States by Kia Motors, which is, I think, a subsidiary of Ikea. (Owned by Borg-Warner, which is owned by GM, which is probably owned by Bill Gates – but that’s another story) People who buy those Saturns must drive to the MidWest and eat their free doughnuts first, which is some obscure ownership bonding ritual.

Actually, the obscure website is much more informative on Cassini Huygens Saturn Probe activity than Who would have thought? In fact, the earlier, and equally obscure notice here that the Rings of Saturn were composed mostly of lost socks and luggage was in error. Seems now the Rings are thought to be composed almost entirely of dropped SnoCones and Icees, which would account for the little bit of dirt they found in some of the rings.

Now concerning the obscure town of Darwin California, a search for that name in Google or Yahoo turns up a large list of sites that will introduce you to all the hotels, restaurants, schools, colleges, auto dealers, and a great number of businesses that are in Darwin.

However, I happen to know that Darwin, named after someone who was not Darwin, has only a scattering of old mining relics, a few houses, and about 50 residents. The town hasn’t any stores or restaurants, nor even a gas station. There are no Holiday Inns, Universities, or Malls. In fact, it hasn’t even one bathroom. Residents evidently have to drive 50 miles to Olancia to use the restroom behind the single gas station there.

Darwin does have a Post Office, though. But someone aught to donate some Porta-Potties to that poor town. They do have a wonderful waterfall and spring about three miles away, which is worth the trip. Darwin is in the desert, which is very hot in the Summer, so you should come at night.

Blond Joke of the Day

A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day. The Russian said, “We were the first in space!” The American said, “We were the first on the moon!” The Blonde said, “So what? We’re going to be the first on the sun!” The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads. “You can’t land on the sun, you idiot! You’ll burn up!” said the Russian. To which the Blonde replied, “We’re not stupid, you know. We’re going at night!”

Have a great Monday. Hope you are still off today for the Indepence Day holiday.


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