Of course I mean the Expo, not the magazine. Imagine getting those two mixed up.
“Hey boss. There ain’t no crowds here. It’s just an office of some kind…â€
This will be my second Expo in San Francisco. I haven’t haven’t had the privilege of going to the one on the East coast, and now, since there is a rather small one in Boston (of all places), sans Keynote, it is doubtful I will ever want to. The one in Paris might be nice to go to some day, I think.
Ah! San Franscisco in January! Bright, sunny skies, and bitter cold mornings with that all important extra wind chill factor dialed in. They say it gets all the homeless right off the sidewalks around the Moscone Center. Of course, the nights are mild and sultry. They passed a law or something, to make it so.
Moscone Center itself is huge, inhabiting half of all of the town of San Francisco, they say, with its $10 dry-sandwich-with-a-tiny-bag-of-chips Luncheon Special, its $4 cheap bottle of (don’t drink the tap) water, and its endless halls, glass walls and escalators.
Of course, none of the setting of Moscone Center matters. What does matter will be the KEYNOTE by Steve Jobs, live (Quicktimed everywhere, which is how I’ve usually watched it). What wondrous, new, and insanely great Macs or iPods will he introduce this year? It’s enough to make a person swoon!
Then there are all the CONFERENCES! There is the MacIT Conference, the Users Conference, the Power Tools, Tutorial, Hands-on MacLabs, Birds-of-a-Feather, and Special Attractions Conferences. A person just CANNOT be at all of them. What to choose? What to choose?!
Besides all this, there is the FLOOR with all its fabulous Apple Mac and iPod Vendors, – and every other Computer Vendor in the Known Universe. Gotta get me some serious Giveaways, TeeShirts, Desk Trinkets and Memorabilia, right? Probably going to hit that place very first thing Monday morning (all the rest of you, go on Tuesday, it’s not so crowed, you know).
I can see already that I am going to get absolutely no sleep that week, and run myself completely ragged getting to all of everything in five short days (I probably shouldn’t have rented that room, because I will not even be in it more than an hour or two).
Tim Robertson, our Publisher will be there this year at MacWorld Expo, as will Bryan Chaffin of Mac Observer, and Peter Cohen of Mac Central.
Also appearing in and around the hallowed halls of Moscone will be Adam Engst of TidBITs, Shawn King, host of Your Mac Life, David Pogue (don”t miss his daily broadcast), Dan Frakes (of MacFixIt), and Andy Ihnatko.
Oh, yeah, Wil Wheaton will be there too, someplace.
In fact, I will be speaking at this January 2005 MacWorld Expo, mostly in the Lunchroom and the Halls of Moscone . . .
More than all this, however, and much higher up on my list of MUST SEE/MUST DO, is the all important meetings with my fellow writers from MyMac!
There is nothing more important in my book, than actually meeting face-to-face with all the GREAT PEOPLE whom I wrangle with on a daily basis at our world famous BLOGS section, here at MYMAC.COM.
This year’s MacWorld Expo promises to be one of the best, considering all the world-class writers who will be there. Just look for the BIG KNOTS of crowds in and around the other events in the halls of Moscone Center. At the center of each of those crowds will be my writing friends from MyMac.com, giving out autographs, and wowing fans with words of Mac-wisdom and Computing proclivity.
Me? I’ll be on the sidelines taking their pictures, for posting on our MyMac.com website articles about MacWorld San Francisco, 2005.
Don’t worry, others of us from MyMac will also be taking pictures for you of everything else that is going on at MacWorld Expo, 2005, as well as reviewing every important new piece of computing equipment for you.
If you can’t go this year, be sure to stay at our site, so you don’t miss any of it.
But I hope I get to see you there.
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