Mobile Tech Trends for 2015


Thanks to cheap, fast and utterly advanced mobile computing technology, smartphones and tablets are now truly a part of the mainstream. Walk through any busy town centre or caf and youll see people tapping away at their devices, communicating, doing business and enjoying entertainment products to their hearts content. However despite the excellence of current technology, theres always room for improvement in the mobile realm, and there are a number of trends set to rise to prominence in 2015 that will make todays crop of tech look decidedly archaic.


The core technology language of the internet, HTML, has recently been released in its fifth iteration, and throughout 2015 this new way of structuring and presenting content across the web will truly come to the fore. HTML 5 features new application programming interfaces, allowing for new and improved sites and experiences, and is completely compatible with phones running previous HTML versions. The language will also be geared towards green technology, having been optimised to run on low-powered, highly efficient devices.


A huge user base and increasingly fast devices mean that 2015 will see a great increase in the numbers of both mobile games and players. Online casino sites that offer casino games have been steadily growing incredibly popular over recent years, and in 2015 sites like Euro Palace will likely be taking advantage of new technology to provide customers with games that are faster, flashier and more entertaining than in previous years. Free online games will also become more advanced, taking advantage of 3D engines such as Unity.


Since the introduction of smartphones, businesses have slowly been cottoning on to the need for them to provide streamlined, mobile-optimised sites and products for their customers. In 2015 this trend will only continue and even smaller businesses will begin to gear their products towards the mobile-enabled audience.

Wearable Technology

Weve already seen a number of wearable devices being released this year; the Pebble Steel, Fitbit Flex, Jawbone UP24 and Motorola Moto 360 devices have all been received well, though have yet to really catch the imagination of the greater public, much to the consternation of manufacturers. In 2015 the market will likely move from early adopters to the mainstream, people discovering the benefits of having data shared between their phones and smart watches.

Mobile Decline?

Hotwire, a London-based communications agency, recently released their sixth annual Digital Trends Report, and amongst other predictions stated that technology in general may become vilified by certain sections of society bored with the constant advertising, never-switched-off nature of our internet-enabled devices. Being a neo-Luddite may not be a mainstream trend in 2015, but its definitely a trend to keep an eye on in the coming years.



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