MyMac Podcast #383 – Happy 5th Birthday iPhone

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We wish the iPhone a happy birthday with a non-copyright version of a disjointed birthday song and barely mention it again. A couple of technical problems get mentioned and the MacParrot coffee mug makes a spectacular comeback if someone buying one to make a grand total of two made can be considered a sales success. We had some feedback concerning last week’s complaints and Tom Schmidt believes he’s taking over for Gaz (Not going to happen unless he changes his name to start with a “G”). We have TWO Skype calls and discuss an unnatural fear of Celine Dion. iTunes gets a working over and with the Macworld Expo right around the corner, Guy talks about gearing up (or down as the case may be) for it.

Some links:
Action Movie FX by Bad Robot Interactive Free
FotoMagico by Boinx Home $29.99

The Music:
Bruce H. McCosar – Evolution

Please visit and check out the artists that supply great music to our podcast!

Contact info: 
Drop us a line and let us know you want to be on the show. Gaz and Guy on Twitter, and, or our Skype direct number 703-436-9501. Also go into iTunes and leave some feedback. Also don’t forget our FaceBook Page!

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