Mini DisplayPort Adapters Review

Mini DisplayPort Adapters
$22 to $33

Mini DisplayPort to HDMI Video Adapter Converter – $22

Mini DisplayPort to VGA Video Adapter Converter $33

Mini DisplayPort to DVI Video Adapter Converter – $22

Got cables? The Cable Adapter Guy just arrived. Do you want to connect your newer Mac to an HDMI television input? Or to a VGA digital projector? How about to an older Apple DVI monitor? StarTech has them all, and a zillion more adapters, cables, splitters, converters, switches, cases, and accessories. The company has both an online and [gasp] a printed catalog. Stop moaning about expensive, hard to find cables and start shopping at StarTech.

Same day shipping is available. Many resellers stock these adapters, often with slightly lower prices. Either way, these converters are bargain priced. All are RoHS compliant and ISO 9001 registered, meaning they are manufactured using strict environmental and production standards. These adapters have lifetime warranties and come with online tech support resources, which probably won’t be needed.

I tested the cable adapters provided for our MyMac evaluation and review. Each one attaches perfectly to its designated computer and cable fitting, providing instant and stable transmission of video data. Video signals and resolution are perfect, without any annoying drivers or software installers. Maximum screen resolutions are 1920 x 1200 pixels, with 1080p on the HDMI and DVI adapters.

You can find less expensive or more expensive adapters and cables elsewhere, but StarTech’s “Making hard-to-find easy” pledge is worth considering when you need a specific solution pronto.

MyMac Review Rating: 9 out of 10

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