I wrote a few weeks back that Vista’s delay would likely not produce any measurable increase in Apple’s market share. And yet, I believe that I have seen Apple provoke Microsoft over and over, especially at the World Wide Developer Conferences (WWDC) each summer into over extending Longhorn/Vista.
Basically, when an operating systems becomes a vehicle for the corporate agenda of a monopolist instead of being a focused tool for the very fussy consumer, it has to create technical problems for MS.
I can see why the MS bloggers are having fits.
Apple is having great fun, making good money, and enjoying their ventures into music and video. Now, Microsoft wants a piece of that action and must fold, spindle and mutilate their business OS to compete.
I always thought I saw Apple goading MS into making that mistake. Anyway, I wrote a longer essay about this here:
Apple’s focus vs. Vista Vision
John Martellaro
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