All this talk about the Zune reminds me of all the hatred that exudes from Mac and Windows fanboys everytime a new product is released from either.
I’m holding off on judging either the Zune or the Zune store until I see them. Of course even then it won’t be from first hand experience since the Zune won’t work natively with Macs. Remember that the iPod also did not work with Windows when it was first released. Now on to lists
MS failures.
Windows 1-3: They may have been widely adopted and used, but they really were horrible and in no way comparible to the Mac OS as it existed at the time. The first really useable version of Windows IMO was Win95.
Internet Explorer: MS made the biggest mistake of their life by integrating it so closely to the OS. How much has it cost them in bad PR because of all the virus/ad/malware ect, that was just allowed to be installed without the users being aware? And yes, I realize that a saavy Windows user has no problem with it. Unfortunately, most people that use Windows aren’t saavy.
Windows ME: ugh
Windows Bob: Nothing really needs to be said
Word 6 for either platform: A truly awful program. I heard so many bad things about it that I avoided it like the plague on both my Mac at home and my Windows machine at work.
DirectX: Great idea, poorly implemented.
The MS version of Flash: Created just to try and take the market from someone else.
There are others but that’s enough.
Now on to Apple
Apple III: Their first try at a business computer. Horrible design, terrible failure.
Lisa: First Gui from Apple. Great idea, good design, priced for failure. $10,000? Are you freaking kidding me?
Apple IICX: Serious hardware/ firmware problems. Corrected with the IICI, but this one was a dog.
Apple Portable: Apple’s first attempt at a “laptop”. Maybe if you had a lap as big as Rosanne Barr’s.
PowerBook 5300: So bad it almost deserves a place of shame all its own
The entire Performa/Centris/Quadra line: They weren’t all bad (I had a Performa 575 that was really nice), but when the only difference between models is software bundles, you have the makings of marketing gone insane.
6100/7100/8100: Apple’s first PowerPC machines. These machines are why I rarely buy first gen anything from Apple.
OS 7.5: After trying this out, I wanted to find an Apple software engineer and hit them with a rolled up newspaper. BAD Apple BAD BAD! Someone else mentioned OS 9, but I consider it to be the best Apple produced from the classic OS.
OS X 10.0 and 10.1: Rushed out with little in the way useful functionality. I tried it and retreated to OS 9 as fast as I could. In my opinion, the first really usable OS X was 10.2
Newton: Great idea rushed too soon to market and then killed just as it was becoming great. I understand why it was killed, Apple needed to refocus on the Mac, but another lost opportunity.
eWorld: an AOL wannabe that wasn’t.
Last one for now and it applies to Apple and MS both. For generating fanboys that can’t see the greatness inspired from both companies. MS fanboys for being unable to see past games (like you’re doing anything creative) and Apple fanboys for never forgiving MS for trying to make a GUI for the masses on computers that an average person can afford.
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