Memoirs of a Podcaster (Part 2)

Last time on Memoirs of a Podcaster: Guy, fighting life threatening illness, fights his toward the front lines of Grand Rapids, Michigan, while Tim and Chad lay down a blistering cover fire. Row upon row of hardcore PC gamers meet screaming death with no hope for reviving heath packs!

OK, not really what happening. But it sounded so much more interesting than Tim and Chad met Guy at the airport.

After collecting my bags, we were off to the Apple Store. We met with some of the good people there, confirmed some of the details for the show the next day and went to local eatery for some Lunch/Dinner. The food was less than spectacular, but the service was excellent (thank you Mehgan!).

We also had contemplated getting a wireless microphone to do some in-store interviews, but couldn’t find one at the stores we visited (Target, Circuit City, CompUSA) that was reasonably priced that wasn’t also a piece of crap.

Giving up on that, it was back to my hotel to do an equipment check. Tim and Chad really liked my Alesis MultiMix 8 USB as their M-Audio MobilePre USB splits the XLR inputs to left and right channels when used with dual microphones. The Alesis Mixer does not (unless you move the pan adjustment knobs for each channel that way), so it was decided to use it for the Apple Store show.

We connected both Tim’s microphone and my own Shure microphone up and sat down to have a conversation. During the talk, the sky outside opened up with a really violent thunderstorm that made for some interesting pyrotechnics. At various points as we were talking, you could hear the rain and thunder going like crazy outside.

I don’t think any of us had anticipated that we could sit and just talk about Macs and tech stuff for 1 1/2 hours, but that’s what happened. Lot’s of good stuff there and I believe Tim is going to split it into at least three segments for use on both podcasts.

By the time we were finished, it was getting late and Tim and Chad had a good hour drive back to Battle Creek. Everything got packed up, and Tim and Chad made their way outside to drive home in the storm.

Next time: Voice cracking, Podcast settings, Grand Rapids touring, and the Apple Store gets invaded!

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