For those who haven’t paid attention lately, the Podcast hits a major milestone this week. One hundred podcasts. Tim and Chad has been bringing it to you for almost two years. As just a segment maker for the original and now the Minicast, I can understand how much of a labor of love it has to be to do this week in and week out.
As the anniversary was coming up and Tim announced that it was going to be live at the Grand Rapids Apple Store, I was very interested in how it was going to turn out. When Chad said he wasn’t going to be able to attend due to prior family obligations, I knew it wouldn’t be the same kind of podcast we have grown to love without someone for Tim to bounce stuff off of.
I made the offer to Tim to come to Grand Rapids to be the “Chad” of the week and was delighted when Tim not only made me feel welcome, but grateful that I would do this on my own. What I hope I made clear while I was here was that I felt it to be an honor to be part of MyMac history. As usual, I’m getting ahead of myself.
Once it was decided that I was welcome, I had to get permission from the Boss. No, not my job, but from the wife. As I was trying to figure out how to approach it from a logical standpoint, with readily made Keynote slides and an impassioned speech about how it was DESTINY that I attend, it was kind of anti-climatic how it ended up. I said to Tracey, “Hey, Tim is doing the 100th Podcast and I’ve been invited to co-host.” I then waited for the arguments against going. I don’t understand women. I don’t understand my wife even after 14 years of marriage. OH, she understands ME unquestionably. I’m not that hard to figure out. I don’t think most men are. Instead of all the points against going that I thought she would make, she said, “Wow, sounds great. Are you going to go?”
My brain went into shutdown based on the input it had just received. Much like the old card input computers in the past, the outcome is usually based on input. I stammered and probably took one or two steps backs as I tried to figure out where I went wrong and still got exactly the answer I wanted. You see, if I ever figure it out, maybe I can make it happen on a regular basis. This pretty much guarantees that I never will. Such is life
So I made the reservations and prepaid for the tickets and the hotel. All was well and I got a great deal. Then on last Thursday, I woke up with a scratchy throat and some congestion. Not good. I ended leaving work early because I wasn’t feeling well. I was hoping a good nights sleep and some over the counter meds would do the trick. No such luck. Woke up on Friday feeling worse. Dropped off my younger son at school and headed for the airport. Got on the plane and as soon as we were wheels up and climbing, my head filled up. Felt a little better by the time we landed in Detroit and the hop to Grand Rapids was so short as to make no difference.
As I got off the plane and walked towards the exit, I could see Tim and Chad just outside the TSA deathzone. It was really great to meet them and they’re both so personable, that I felt immediately comfortable without the usual awkwardness that can happen when you meet people for the first time.
(More in next segment)
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