Memes Are Hot Now

Memes. Memes.


New Term!

Search . . . Searching . . .


meme: (pronounced ‘meem’) A contagious idea that replicates like a virus, passed on from mind to mind. Memes function the same way as genes and viruses do, propagating through communication networks and face-to-face contact between people. The root of the word “memetics,” a field of study which postulates that the meme is the basic unit of cultural evolution. Examples of memes include melodies, icons, fashion statements and phrases. (See

(Dang! I *really* got to get out more…)

OK. I get it! At first, when I saw the word ‘meme’ in a blog or an article, I thought it was a typo. Now, I think its just “Buzz Words.” Buzz words is an (old) Advertising term, which means words that have an emotional or cognitive content.

I can list a few right here: “In God We Trust” “WMD” “911” “9/11” “New World Order” –You get the idea.

Memes can be far more subtle, can’t they? “Supersize that order?” “All Day Fresh!” “Not tonight. I have a headache” “Three fries short of a Happy Meal” “God told me to do that”

It seems our whole culture is swimming in these semantic terms, and we unconsciously employ them and even their acronyms throughout our days.

As much as I am a proponent of Critical Thinking, I can see where a well placed meme can do far more than logic to prove my point and get people thinking on my side of an argument.

How long has this been going on? Why didn’t anybody tell me? What do they know that I don’t? (Are these some memes I just wrote? Or am I reacting to a new thing I just found?)

I’m cool, folks. Don’t tread on me! I get the picture now. Gonna be a brand new day.

Roger Born
“Out of my mind. Back in Five”

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