Well here you are people – the announcement you’ve all been waiting for.
Or maybe not, but I thought I’d try a bit of melodrama. It’s all in keeping with Melisanda’s character (billed variously as an ‘angel with attitude’ and ‘the creative, playful, sometimes naughty side of the usually-too-ladylike Carmel Glover). Read all about Melisanda at:
For a person who’s been a pretty active Internet user since 1998, you’d think I’d have had my own website long before this, wouldn’t you? But then Beth doesn’t have one either, or Del Miller (both of whom have far more justification), so I don’t feel so bad.
Anyway, I’ve done it now, so bring on the spammers and the flamers and the just-plain-ignorant. I’m a big girl now, and I have a Dragonfairy in reserve just in case things get rough.
It’s not a real website, of course, just a blog. But it’s my very own and I did it all myself. It’s in the experimental stages as yet, and I’ll add some frills/bells/whatever as time goes by. I thought it best to stick with a Typepad template in the beginning.
With 70,000 new blogs going online every day, I doubt that there’ll be anyone left to read my frivolous ramblings, but you never know do you?
Go have a look, and leave a comment or two. Visit many times a day if you’re wondering what to do with your time. This will make it look like I’ve got lots of traffic, and in some mysterious way boost my Google ratings. The plan is that eventually hordes of people will fall in love with me and/or my work and I will become rich beyond my wildest imaginings. At the very least I might get emails from interesting people and a customer or two for my artwork and – er – ‘services’.
If you visit The Melisanda Factor regularly you won’t have to wonder any more about what I do with my life or what goes on in my mind. You’ll be able to see examples of my photography, artist books, and sundry artworks in the photo albums listed in the sidebar, AND you’ll be able to keep track of the artworks I’ve listed for sale at other websites, AND you’ll be able to meet some of the interesting people and things I’ve discovered during my Internet travels. Â
Irresistible, huh?
But that’s not all …
I’ve also launched my first ebook for sale at Â
This will be of great interest to those who are intrigued by dreams and their interpretation because, not only is this ebook a digital version of my (ahem) magnificent ‘Dreams’ artist book (exhibited at the Noosa Shire Artist Book show in 2005), but it also contains invaluable dream interpretation tips and exercises from nationally feted (in Australia) dream expert Jane Teresa Anderson. At Jane’s website you will also find a wealth of dream-related information which you can access without even buying anything. Probably you macho-techno types aren’t interested in dream stuff, but maybe your womenfolk are, so tell them.
While at dreamnet the more observant among you will notice that I have also launched an ebook and PDF design service, AND you’ll be able to download, free of charge, two exquisite (even if I say so myself) ‘artist’ ebooks as samples of my work (NOTE: I can handle less extravagantly illustrated stuff too).
So there you have it. Now it’s time for you to do your bit for the Carmel-Melisanda cause.
FOOTNOTE 1: Halleluia! I got the links and image insertion right first time!
FOOTNOTE 2: Of course, none of this would have been possible without my Mac.
FOOTNOTE 3: I have, needless to say, a link back to MyMac on my blog.
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