Here are some very poorly lit pictures of my new black MacBook that I snapped in a hurry while I was setting it up in the living room of someone else’s apartment three thousand miles from home. I’m sitting here with a MacBook, an iBook, and an old PowerBook, and what I’ve come to realize (other than the fact that there are too many laptops in this room!) is that the MacBook is the perfect combination of the iBook and PowerBook.
And oh yeah, by the way, I love it. Fast, fast, fast. I had heard that the new-style keyboard was a little whack, so I spent fifteen minutes typing on the demo unit in the store, and found that I actually love the new keyboard. Very easy to get around on the keys. Love the fact that the iBook finally has a 5400 RPM hard drive. Love the latchless, buttonless front latch system. The thing looks, and feels, like a tank. The outside is rubbery, kinda like the original clamshell iBook, as if you could bump it into something really hard and it would all get absorbed long before the impact made its way to any internal components. Love the screen. Great resolution (my biggest question going in), and despite the number of pixels packed into a relatively small screen, stuff looks great. And the MacBook screen is so much brighter than the iBook screen that when they’re sitting next to each other the iBook’s screen looks like it has something wrong with it. Love just about everything there is to love about it. Gotta pack it with RAM when I get home, but that’s about all.
This is finally the Mac laptop I’ve been waiting years for!

The Apple Store at The Grove in Los Angeles, where the mighty MacBook was acquired

The lunchbox it arrived in

Eh, wonder what might be inside?

Look ma, no release button! The thing just snaps together

The much-discussed new keyboard

The left-side ports including the MagSafe charging port

Not only is it five times faster than the iBook, the screen is seemingly five times brighter

The first black Apple laptop to feature the Apple logo right side up

The glowing logo (we’re still waiting for Apple to make its logo glow on the back of the iPod)

For having thirty percent higher screen resolution, the MacBook isn’t much physically larger…

…in fact it’s shorter…

…and thinner.
That’s all for the moment.
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