Maybe I’ll get the “iPod in the rental car” thing right this time

So I’m heading cross-country to San Diego today, an unexpected but welcome destination in my increasingly surreal travels. This won’t be the first time that I’ve done a booth at an event, but it’s certainly my first event at an extreme sports event taking place at a horse racing track. I think I’m getting a little smarter about this travel thing. For instance, last time out I assumed my rental car wouldn’t have a cassette deck, but failed to consider the possibility that it might not even have a working power source. Thus my plan to use a combination FM transmitter and charger was foiled and I spent the week listening to radio and CD-R’s instead of my iPod. Blech. This time I’ve wisened up and I’m simply taking a standalone FM transmitter with me. So unless the car doesn’t even have a radio, I’m in business. The trick, of course, is to use one of the few standalone FM transmitters that don’t at least sort of suck.

What’ll be more interesting is the fact that I’ve never been to San Diego before, and with the exception of a bit of online research, I don’t know all that much about the place. I’ll have an entire day for sightseeing, so to speak, and I’ve been weighing my options on how to spend it. Although my hotel will be rather near the border, I’ve decided to save any jaunts down to Mexico for some other time. And I’m going to pass on any museums, historical landmarks, or anything else of that nature. This may be the only chance I get to visit this particular city for some time, so I’m more interested in what the city is now, not what it used to be. I’m thinking maybe Balboa Park in the morning, a trolly ride in the afternoon, and a nightcap in Pacific Beach. If any San Diegans want to point me elsewhere, please step to the podium now.

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