Well, eight hours later than expected, I arrived in the land of Expo. At the moment, I am sitting in the lobby of my hotel, about to post this blog. I had made mention on the last few podcasts that all indications were I picked a bad hotel. So far, I am not impressed. Nor am i looking for a new one. I think I will keep it. We shall see how much sleep I actually get tonight.
Today was travel day from hell. My flight was suppose to be thus: drive to Grand Rapids for a 10:30 AM flight to Detroit. Well, the weather was horrible, and my wife and I suffered many snow white-outs on the way to Grand Rapids. That said, we still made it in time, but the flight itself did not. So when I finally, an hour later, made it to Detroit, I had missed my connecting flight to San Francisco.
Northwest Airlines then rerouted me to Minneapolis, with a three hour layover in Detroit, and then from Minneapolis to San Francisco. That all went well, but I was already five hours behind.
When I arrived in San Francisco, it turned out my luggage did not. It decided to stay in Detroit, and showed up here in San Francisco two hours after I did.
But I did make it. And as I have been typing this, a few homeless people have wandered into this hotel lobby, crashing on a couch across from me. Not really inspiring, and makes me a little leery about sitting here with a MacBook Pro in my lap.
Anyway, off tomorrow at 5AM to get my media badge, which I missed getting today, and then on to the keynote. Hope to meet up with the rest of the MyMac gang thereabouts, and then the fun can start!
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