Macworld Expo Predictions

With Macworld Expo about a month away, I figured I’d get the prediction ball rolling. These are only educated guesses, and should be taken as predictions, not fact.

With that said, here are my predictions for Macworld Expo broken into threee categories: 1. Count on it, 2. Maybe, and 3. Long Shot

1. Count On It

iWorks and iLife ’07 – considering this seems to be an annual update this is almost a sure thing. I’m looking forward to iWeb improvements and what they do with iPhoto this year.

iTV – Steve Jobs already told us this was coming, but with a different name. It will be interesting to see what the final features are.

2. Maybe

iPhone – everyone seems to think there is one coming. Will it arrive at Macworld Expo? We’ll see.

More Movie Studios in iTunes, more games for your iPod, and a new full screen iPod – I grouped these together in the maybe category because last year Steve said that Macworld Expo was about Macs not iPods. I think these are coming, but they might be announced a few weeks or months after Macworld Expo at a special event. That keeps the Apple buzz going. Out of the three, I’d say the movie studio announcement is the most likely for January.

3. Long Shot

A new Mac- What kind? I don’t know, but as I said earlier- Macworld Expo is about Macs.

Leopard release- I’ve said once before that I think Leopard might be released in January instead of the Spring. This would steal some of Microsoft’s Vista thunder. If there is no release, I would expect more features announced.

Oh, there is one more thing…

This is the wild card category. I think Steve will announce something that no one is expecting at all. A really cool new product. What is it? I have no idea.

What are your predictions for Macworld Expo? Leave them below.

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