Killing time in the Atlanta airport. Someday our grandkids will look back on the concept of connecting flights and laugh at how quaint we were — as they fly from Earth to Mars with a layover on Pluto.
Two airports today, and you know what I’m seeing? Lots and lots of new-style iPod earbuds. Back when I traveled in November, the ratio of old-style iPod earbuds to new-style ones was probably ten to one in favor of the old. But now, thanks to holiday season gift-giving, I’m actually seeing more new-style buds than old ones. Not bad, considering the old-style ones were being sold for almost five years while the new ones have only been available for a few months. We’ll see what Steve has to say about it on Tuesday, but anecdotal evidence says Apple sold a lot of iPods this past quarter — even by iPod standards.
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