Yeah, yeah I know. Macworld doesn’t OFFICIALLY begin until after the keynote (seems weird to not think of it as a Stevenote anymore), but the first full day was kind of fun and filed with some interesting events.
Tim and I woke up around 3:30 AM and that was about it as far as sleep goes. We weren’t alone for very long as new MyMac Staff writer Mark Rudd called us and came over around 5:30 AM. We hung out and gabbed for awhile and decided it was time for some breakfast, so it was off to the old standby Mel’s Diner.
By the time we finished the sacred halls of the Moscone Center were open for business and Tim was able to get his Press Pass. Mark and I can’t get ours since we aren’t going to the Keynote until around 10 AM tomorrow after the aforementioned Keynote is well underway.
We met with some good people from EWOO who showed us some interesting iPod related music products and then we eventually ended up back at the Moscone Center in the Press Room. By this time Owen Rubin, Sam Levin, Beejay (from last year’s podcast meet up), Mark, Tim, and I decided to do a quick podcast from the new podcast booths that IDG set up this year (very nice thanks IDG!). Just as we were about to finish who should show up but John Nemo! It was really great to have so many of all in one place again.
Later we also met up with Hadley Stern and Chris Seibold from at an IDG sponsored event for the members of the press. Later this evening Mark, Tim, and I are going to another party sponsored by Smile on My Mac who make some great software. Hopefully before the night is through we’ll manage to get a hold of Lee Givens another MyMac writer and occasional podcast partner.
Too much fun shouldn’t seem like so much work!
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