Macworld Day 2

Macworld: Day Two

Feet are aching, back is hurting, eyeballs are bleeding from squinting at too small text. Tim has dragged Larry and me from one end of the Expo to another. We have shot a lot of video that will soon be posted on But I’m getting ahead of myself.

After the Macworld Magazine party on Tuesday, Larry and I dragged ourselves back to the hotel and slept the sleep of the dead. No rest for the weary as Tim wanted to meet us around 7AM. After breakfast, Tim, Larry, and I hot-footed it (as much as either Larry or myself can hotfoot it these days) back to the Moscone Center where we met up with the rest of the staff to discuss the various events for the day and to compare notes. Because Tim and I have been walking around looking for interesting video to take, I haven’t had much of a chance to just walk around the Expo and look at the various products. Day two was going to be no different.

We ran all over both the North and South buildings looking for neat or new (or odd) products to cover. We found a bunch and over the next day or two look for them over at the feature side of Seeing the Expo from this side of the aisle (as media) made a lot of difference in my perspective of the Macworld Expo. More time is spent trying to get the finer detail of commercial products as compared to just traipsing from booth to booth looking for cool schwag.

Before I knew it, the whole day was done and like with day 1, I was dog-tired. Not so tired however that I couldn’t go to the Mac Observer party over at the Red Devil Lounge named the Cirque du Mac 4.0. I was fortunate enough to speak with Dave Hamilton from the Mac Observer’s Mac Geek Gab (A great podcast that you should subscribe to) and he was able to set me straight on all the Mac greats that played that night. The big event for the evening was the annual get together of the Macworld All Star rock band consisting of Chris Breen, Bob “Dr. Mac” LeVitus, Paul Kent, Bryan Chaffin, Dave Hamilton, Chuck LaTournous, Bud Tribble, and Duane Straub.

It wouldn’t be fair to compare the Macworld party with Cheap Trick with the Mac Observer/ Backbeat Media party since of course Cheap Trick has played together for longer than many people reading this has been alive and the Mac All Star band can only get together on rare occasions. Having said that, they were terrific! They played mostly classic rock and roll from a variety of eras. You might think that this would make for a very strange music set, but they pulled it off brilliantly.

Tomorrow of course is another day. I have the feeling that by the time I’m done here (today is my last day), I’ll look forward to a little peace and quiet around the home…or as quiet and peaceful as any home is with two kids.

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