Macspiration 58
Fun Shareware That Won’t Break Your Bank

I usually recommend freeware, or free software, in Macspiration. This week I’ve decided to stray from that path, and suggest three small pieces of shareware that are just fun. Not only are they fun, but they are cheap, too. You can buy all three of these programs for less than $30. All of these programs have downloadable demos, so try them out!

1. Voice Candy, by Potion Factory
Voice Candy is the audio version of Photo Booth. Make your voice sound like a mouse, a chipmunk, or even Darth Vader. Once you record your message, you can send it straight to an email or a file. Kids of all ages will love this program, and it is only $12.95.

2. iGlasses, by Ecamm Network
iGlasses should be built into iChat. It is like Photo Booth for iChat. There are fun effects like night vision, black and white, and color changing. However, what sold me was the brightness feature for low light settings. If you use your iChat in a low light situation iGlasses is great. Using the pre-set brightness settings will make your low light image look a lot better. For $8.00 this is a must have. Download the demo and see for yourself. Seeing is believing.

3. 3D Maker by Sandy Knoll
3D Maker is exactly what the name makes it out to be. It gives you all the tools you need to make all kinds of three dimensional pictures. There are tools for making the pictures that require those super-cool blue and red glasses, and there are those that make you look cross eyed at a picture (stereograms)). There are also tools for making three dimensional text and more. You can’t go wrong for $6.95.

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