Looking for some cheap little utility type of apps for your Mac? Here’s a few that are available in the Mac App Store for $1.99 or less.
Alfred (free) Alfred is a great Spotlight replacement. I have never been a fan of Spotlight, but I used to love Quicksilver. Alfred is more like Quicksilver for finding things on your Mac. It does a bunch more too, but personally I only use it to find and launch applications on my Mac.
Quickmailer ($.99) This little gem sits in your menubar. When you click its icon a blank mini email opens for typing an email to anyone without having to open you mail program. It even has attachment support.
Scrawl ($1.99) I used to have, and love, a program called Jotter on my Mac which hasn’t been updated in years. I don’t even think it works in Snow Leopard or Lion. It basically was a little notepad that sat in the menubar. You click it, type a note, and the note gets saved in the menubar for quick access. Scrawl has the same functionality as Jotter and at $1.99 I had to get it.
Weatherman Lite (Free) In addition to Jotter I use to use Meteorologist in my menu bar for quick weather access. Like Jotter it is not long supported and does not work on newer systems. Weatherman Lite is a great replacement for Meteorologist. The free version only allows you to track weather in one city, while the paid version ($1.99) removes this limit.
Mini Stock ($.99) Mini Stock is a great little menubar app that keeps track of the stock market and specific stocks for you. It is very customizable and is great for checking the price of your favorite stock without having to go to a website.
There you go. five inexpensive utilities for you Mac. Have a favorite? Leave a comment below.
Thanks Donny,
here is my list:
Dropbox (of cause
Boxee Media Manager (plays videos from mac to iPad & iPhone): http://www.boxee.tv/download
Caffeine (Mac don’t goes to sleep mode): http://lightheadsw.com/caffeine/
Numi (calculations with text): http://getnumi.info/
Pomodoro (tracking working intervals): http://pomodoro.ugolandini.com/
Thanks for the comment John!