Macspiration 105
A Quick Tip: Changing Icons on Your Stacks in Leopard

I haven’t decided if I like the new Stacks feature in Leopard or not, but what I don’t like is how the icon of the stack is the icon of first alphabetical item in the folder you put in the Dock for a stack. For me it was the Applications folder, and the Address Book icon representing that folder.

I was trying to figure out a way to change the icon, and I remembered an old OS9 trick for reorganizing items in the Apple Menu. If you put a space before the first letter of an item ‘˜s name in the Apple Menu it always moved straight to the top of the list. For example ‘Zebra’ would be at the bottom of the Apple Menu, but ‘ Zebra’ (notice the space before the Z) would be at the top of the Apple Menu.

I decided to try this with Stacks, and it worked!

Here’s what I did to get the icon of my stack to be the icon of my choice. First, make a new folder in the folder you want to create a stack with. Make the name of that folder
‘ ‘ (that would be one space’).

Next, change the icon of that folder you just created and named. This can be any icon you want. See this ‘Teach Me My Mac‘ video for directions on changing icons.

Finally, create your stack by dragging and dropping the folder you want to become a stack into the right side of the dock. The stack will be created, and the icon will be the customized folder you created above.

That will be the last Macspiration for 2007. Look for more Macspirations in 2008! and don’t forget about ‘Macspiration: The First Fifty‘ available at

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