Macally Apple MFI Certified Car and Home Chargers with Detachable Lightning Cable for iPad & iPhone – Review

Apple MFI Certified Car and Home Chargers with Detachable Lightning Cable for iPad & iPhone
$30 each U.S.

Car charger


Home charger


When I received these two items, I figured, “It’s going to be tough to review these as separate units.” And I was right. The cables are exactly the same, except for color. They both work perfectly interchangeably and also in your computer of choice. The real difference between the two products is the charger. And the color — we can’t forget the color.

Both the Home and Car Apple MFI Certified Chargers with Detachable Lightning Cable for iPad & iPhone units are 2.1-amp chargers so they can charge even the more power-hungry iDevices, such as iPads. I have also had to wrestle these away from my kids wanting to charge their Kindle Fire HD 7s, quite successfully I might add.

The Home unit is slightly larger than the standard Apple charger, but more flat in shape. There are no fancy indicators or lights on this charger so I can only give the Apple MFI Certified Home Charger with Detachable Lightning Cable for iPad & iPhone an 8 out of 10 review rating.

The Car unit, on the other hand, is delightfully small and only sticks out of the power port about 1/2 or 3/4 of an inch and has a soothing blue ring around the perimeter of the charger to let you know your power is functioning. It does not indicate draw or charge status, but the blue is attractive and not so bright as to be distracting. I give the Apple MFI Certified Car Charger with Detachable Lightning Cable for iPad & iPhone a 9 out of 10 rating.

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