Mac vs PC commercial Guy style

Mac: Hello, I’m a Mac

PC: And I’m a PC

Mac: Hey great, here’s a review of four useful shareware programs you can use that are inexpensive or free!

PC: Yes, but I have many more than that. Over twenty in that catagory alone!

Mac: But don’t they all pretty much work the same in each catagory?

PC: Yes they do! But I have many more of them!

Mac: So, having many more of a particular program type even if they are all the same is good?

PC: Yes, and you only have four in that catagory!

Mac, But..they all pretty much work the same, so does it matter?

PC: More is always better, even when there’s not much difference between them!

Mac: If you say so I guess. So 20 or more all working with Vista?

Security Guy: Mac has asked a potentially embarrassing question! Cancel or allow?

PC: Touche

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