Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar fast & easy – Book Review

Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar fast & easy
Lisa A. Bucki

Premier Press
ISBN 1-59200-044-4
460 pages
US $18.99 CA $29.95

Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar fast & easy is a good addition the Fast & Easy series. Prolific author Lisa Bucki (40 titles to her credit, dating back to the Harvard Graphics days), combines clear writing with many screenshots to give the new OS X user plenty of help learning the new OS.

The Fast & Easy series is graphically oriented, not textually oriented. While not quite as visually-oriented as a Visual QuickStart book, Mac OS X Version 10.2 Jaguar fast & easy has high-quality illustrations.

For a new Mac OS X user looking to learn the basics, without having to wade through lots of text, this is worth a read. Don’t expect more than just a taste of each topic, and you may end up with questions that the screenshots won’t answer. This covers the bare essentials, and that’s all.

Conclusion. If you prefer more pictures (good ones) than text, and a general overview of the fundamentals is sufficient, this is worth a look.

MacMice Rating: 3.5 out of 5

David Weeks

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