Mac Bashing in Disguise.

As part of my “normal routine”, I check in to a few times a week.
Yesterday, I spotted a link to a story posted on CNN/Money, entitled “Why the iPod can’t save Apple”. The link:

Before you hit it, be advised that today, the entire story may only be read by paid subscribers, or AOL members. Hate it when they do that.

Anyway, this goes on to mention some high and mighty figures, and suggests, once again, that our favorite technology company is under some sort of death watch.

Well folks, I am sorry, but this is nothing more than Mac Bashing in disguise, written by someone who just cannot bear the idea that Apple is doing well.
You know these folks, they’re everywhere. Mac Bashing is something I have been experiencing since the system was introduced twenty years ago. But this? This is Mac bashing (Or just “Apple Bashing”) under the cover of giving out financial advice, with nifty sounding numbers to give the whole thing some credibility.

I’ve decided to file this in the same place as the warning which came from that Napster executive a few weeks ago, when he warned music executives to stay off the Apple Platform. In other words, Pure B.S.

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