Lord of the Nanosphere

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This is how the legend began, lost in antiquity, my sons and daughters. They say our history began with an Apple. There are dozens of stories and fables surrounding that. Some of them must be factual. One of them must be true. But there are a few things we can be fairly sure of concerning the very beginning of the Computer Age.

Centuries ago and light years away on the fabled Earth stood a lone individual who had a burning vision of what the Nanosphere would one day be. He is the one who began it all. He was already a fantastic designer and inventor of marvelous works of engineering, art and computing.

It is written about him that he led the way for all others, at the very beginning of the age of computing. His computing devices were the very first that people could own for themselves. We cannot either confirm or deny this, but we know He and his Engineers created the first of hundreds of the primitive computing devices of that age. They even created that first majestic “Interface” which all such devices used, and possibly still use today, if our history is true.

He surely must have been greatly admired in those early days, for the surviving relics and holograms of his computing devices that have been found are still considered beautiful works of art and of imminent usability.

The man is known to us only as “S.” The original language has changed so much over the centuries that we cannot be sure of his full name. However, he was an amazing individual. A few histories maintain that there were two “S”s at the beginning. This issue is confusing but it will not go away. There are many proponents on both sides.

What do we know about “S?” No image of this man exists. He might have been reluctant to appear in public. The only thing we know for a fact is that we honor him for creating the first device that began the final rush to nanotechnology. Nanotechnology is credited with saving the planet Earth from self-destruction in those early times.

This we know, after twenty years creating incredible computing devices, “S” and his people had a breakthrough. It was not just another insight or discovery. In that primitive age of technology, there were breakthroughs almost daily, if you can imagine it.

What “S” did, was to introduce on an unsuspecting planet, THE breakthrough.

We know that from that one machine came all that we are, and all that we have accomplished, in the Nanosphere.

What we have concluded is that there was much unnecessary rivalry back then. But that rivalry led to intense competition between all the many builders of computers. When one got an advanced design, the others soon followed. It was within this milieu that “S” created the one device that was the key to the rest of computing (and Mankind’s) history.

It was just a simple pod, small, transparent, and very powerful for its time.

It was an advanced device that was so small and well crafted that it instantly made obsolete all the other computing devices of its day. The pod was called a “Mac.” It was also called an MDC, but the meaning of these acronyms are lost to us now.

Historians say it took some time in catching on with “Users,” and “Customers” However, all the other makers of computing devices instantly understood its unique power, and thus competition was again fast and furious to make a better and smaller one.

The whole path of computing changed with the Pod. After it was introduced everyone was creating smaller and smaller devices in rapid succession.

A dozen years after the Pod, inexpensive, wearable computers (WCs) were the norm.

After WCs, an even shorter period of time was all it took for the IMDs, or Insertable Micro Devices to supplant everything else.

Eventually, these IMDs evolved into the Implantables. Thus began nanotechnology.

From what we know of the primitive economics of Earth, a world wide synthesis occurred. Costs of the MDCs and WCs came down, so everyone could own one.

With the advent of Implantables, computing devices no longer required the two century old global wire and cable communications system to be connected to their primitive global web. Inexpensive, low flying satellites were used for wireless communication with everyone’s Implantables, regardless of where they stood on the globe.

I cannot begin to tell you how revolutionary this was to the people of that first planet.

After that, it is safe to assume that Implantables got smaller and smaller. Then there reached a point where they cost nothing to own or manufacture. Soon everyone on the planet was wearing them, for it was the popular thing for everyone to do. Primitive people liked to be popular.

This produced some amazing results for that first world. It has never been repeated in Man’s history.

Illiteracy became a thing of the past.

Old national boundaries eventually were discarded.

Since the whole world was becoming one in thought and passion, everyone shared in the newfound wealth. Prosperity was something remarkable then, which the world had never seen before. Everyone on the planet became a “consumer,” driving a world wide economic expansion.

War and poverty, hunger and homelessness vanished forever from the Earth.

There were still many differences between people, including language and culture. By then they welcomed the differences, rather than using them to divide from one another. We are not sure why this happened, except that it had to do with something called “Mail.” Somehow, people bridged the gap with the meeting of their intellects, rather than their face to face confrontations. It did help that the early computers did all the translating between their languages, just like they do for us today.

Thereafter, the remaining centuries of Earth were marked with open inquiry and research, which was carried to its Zenith. When Mankind finally left his cradle planet, he was most wise to take nanotechnology with him.

Of course now our Nanosphere is nearly complete. It spans the known Galaxy. With it we can instantly communicate with anyone, anywhere. Everyone has access to all of modern history and every known advancement. The Nanosphere is a living organism comprising all of the molecular elements inhabiting all people everywhere.

We also credit the Nanosphere with giving Mankind long life, and saving us all from war, hunger, poverty and ignorance.

Our young children are simply schooled in its use, and in thinking and reasoning. From then on they use the Nanosphere to learn everything else, for no subjects are forbidden or proscribed to us. Since we all participate, carrying the essential elements and components of the Nanosphere within our bodies, Mankind knows a complete freedom from the tyranny and oppression than plagued his cradle home Earth.

So we have begun to fill this wide and mighty galaxy with knowledge and passion, and with ourselves. We could not imagine life without the Nanosphere.

I firmly believe that our life never would have happened. Without that little Pod and the resulting early NanoNet, the people of the Earth in those last few centuries would have surely destroyed themselves with war, famines, Atomics, or engineered plagues.

As best we can determine, the Nanosphere as we know it came to exist in the fourth century of our leaving Earth. By then we had all partaken of the standard molecular implants that gave us both speech, hearing, sight and touch, within the complex Web that connected all our planets and outposts.

Increasingly, this web of communication and information became overburdened, hard to access, and utilize. This was a troubling time for us. Had we reached our limit? Should we separate and divide up, going our separate ways? Would Man loose his new found unity?

We all know what happened. It was like an Intelligence appeared within the matrix that connected us all. Soon it was speedily meeting our requests and supplying us with all the contacts and the facts we were needing.

Before long, many of our leaders and scientist confirmed that the nanoweb had become self aware. We call it the Nanosphere today because it defines the globe of our expansion throughout the galaxy. In fact, the Nanosphere designed and developed many machines that have greatly expanded our exploration. New organic molecular devices were developed that helped the rest of us utilize her many powers, even those whose bodies could not accept the mechanical nano implants. It is many of those same implants that cleanse our veins and arteries, and police our bodies, protecting us from invading parasites and bacteria, or removing cancers and such. Therefore we credit the living Nanosphere for our long and productive lives.

I suppose I digress. Sorry. When you get to be nearly a thousand, you have certainly earned the right to do it!

I, of course, am recording all this for posterity, having lived near the beginning of Man’s outward journey. You can access this for reference at 3M3.41S.apple.

Where was I? Oh yes. I was talking about “S,” wasn’t I?

Is he a myth? I don’t think so. I believe he was a real person who stood at the crux of time and events which led to where Man has gotten to today. Without realizing it, he created our future.

Was he two people? Perhaps. It is hard to imagine that one person could be both an inventor and a creative artist.

What about the Apple? What did it mean? Some say it was the name of his computing devices or his company. Others say it is part of the story of Eden. Which ever it is, the symbol of the Apple is perfect for the beginning of the computer age.

It certainly is a powerful symbol, even today. Why, we don’t open any planet for habitation without first planting an Apple tree to symbolize our beginning in the age of computing.

Will we ever know the true facts of our beginning? Not until we perfect time travel, if that ever happens. These are exciting times to be alive, aren’t they, children?

All right, my little ones, my time with you is completed. Off you go to your studies and projects.

Next time, I will tell you the story of old Earth, about a powerful villain and his evil empire, called “MS.”

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