
The other night, after getting home from what seemed to be the longest night of my life playing in a club, I cracked open a Guinness and sat, feet up, looking for something on TV to “take me away.” There’s never anything good on Saturday nights when I get home around 11:00PM, so I settled for the mindless pleasantries from a movie I’d seen at least 10 times (more than a few of the viewings with Connie who can’t seem to get enough of it, and apparently, neither can I), Sleepless in Seattle, the Tom Hanks, Meg Ryan cinematic massage that seems to hook anyone within earshot.

It really is a cute little movie based on a widower, Tom Hanks, and his son who live in Seattle, his son’s obsession with finding his dad a new wife, and Meg Ryan, a perky fiancee who is set to marry a guy who seems to be the “right guy for the kind of life she thinks she should live.”

So I’m watching Tom Hanks do his Tom Hanks things, and I’m thinking…”this guy really does look like someone I know. But who?” I’ve noticed this before but this particular night I was really intrigued because I just couldn’t figure it out. Then it hit me. Are you ready for this? For the love of God, it’s our own Tim, Tim Robertson.

No, they are not dead ringers for each other. There’s just something there that is undeniably and strangely relative, and now I can never watch another Tom Hanks movie, or talk to Tim, without thinking of this eerie connection. It’s not enough that Guy reminds me of Chewbacca of Star Wars fame. Now we have “Tim Hanks.” And the beat goes on.

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