
I’ve been reading about a new service for Mac users on various sites called LogMeIn. Basically, it is another way to remotely control a computer through your Mac. Instead of doing this through a program on your computer, it does everything through your browser. Best of all it is FREE!!!

As frequent readers of my articles know, I am constantly helping friends and family with their Macs. My grandmother just got a new Mac Mini, and I installed this on her computer yesterday.

Let me stop here for a minute. To use LogMeIn you need to install the LogMeIn software on the computer you want to control. You also need a LogMeIn account (again, all free for Mac users). Nothing else is needed.

Back to my grandmother. She called me this morning with a problem. I was going to go over to her house, but then I remembered I installed LogMeIn, and I figured this was the perfect time to try it out.

I logged into my LogMeIn account, connected to her computer, and it worked perfectly! The delay in what I saw from her computer was noticeable, but minimal. I was easily able to open and close windows, move things around, etc. I was pleasantly surprised.

Want to know more? Check it out at LogMeIn.com.

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