Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover – Review

Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover
Price: $99.99 US
Company: Logitech

Many iPad owners find the onscreen keyboard suitable for their usage, but when it comes to writing long emails or documents, a Bluetooth keyboard is welcome. While you can buy and use any standard Bluetooth keyboard, when traveling with your iPad, not all of them are very practical. The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover may be the solution.

The Logitech Ultrathin Keyboard Cover is designed to be used with the iPad 2 and higher (not with the iPad mini). It uses the magnets system for the Apple Smart Cover in a very smart way. When you place the iPad in landscape mode in the dedicated slide, the keyboard magnets will secure the iPad in it. It is a very strong hold, so much that you can lift the iPad, and the keyboard will stay attached to it. It can also be used in portrait mode, but only gravity makes the iPad stand there.

The beauty of this keyboard is that it can also replace the iPad Smart Cover. You simply attach the keyboard to the iPad like you would with any Smart Cover. It makes excellent protection for your iPad screen when traveling. It is still slim enough to fit perfectly well in my STM bag for iPad. And like the Smart Cover, it will put your iPad into sleep mode.

The keyboard has the standard keys you’d expect, including arrows, plus special keys such as CTRL, Option, and Command. A function (fn) key also serves as a modifier key for special iPad actions. You can, for example, go directly to the Spotlight search screen, Play/Pause music or video, change volume, and lock the iPad. In place of the escape key on a standard keyboard, you will find a square key that acts as the iPad home button. Very useful.

Some other special functions (fn keys) are to select words or cut/copy/paste. But since those can also be done with the Command key (examples: X-C-V and arrows), I would have preferred more special keys for media control (forward, back, next, previous, etc.).

Overall, I’m very satisfied with this keyboard, and I recommend it to anyone searching for an iPad keyboard. It has replaced my Smart Cover when traveling. It is available in matching black and white iPad color, and a red version.

MyMac Review Rating: 8 out of 10

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