Links For All

A little background music:

Owen and I got into it over SETI. Gotta say it was a lot of fun. Also have to say it got me thinking, apparently my position wasn’t well stated enough. That’s on me. So I’ve been diligently working on another article about SETI, hopefully it will contain better defined arguments.

Lately I’ve been toying with the idea of a Todd Long wedding report. This has a few things going for it: I would really piss Todd off (which is good) and I could post some nice pics. On the bad side: Geeze who wants to read about a freaking wedding?

Here’s the thing: the answer is both everybody and nobody. If you write well enough you can make folding a sweater interesting, if you’re writing is mediocre you need a subject of interest, and if your writing sucks you need links.

Time for:


ah screw that. Alliteration is hard and Bailey has his own blog now. I e-mailed Bailey when I learned Tim was going to offer him a blog and said keep the links flowing, cause you know, I was like his main contact and all. Bailey promised to keep the good ones coming. So I felt pretty good about the whole thing, Bailey could opine away and I’d still get links and pictures. It’s not working out. Today I recieved the following from Bailey:

Here’s one for you, it’s a really neat search engine!

somehow I think bailey has given up on me.

But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on links (see above). No, I actually have other folks who send me interesting stuff (join the party:, where -a- means @).

From Beth:
iPod -vs-Cassette

From others..well mostly stuff I found.

Real Life -v-Internet

Dick Cheney is Alive this slaughtered me.

Great Game:Comboling

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