Link Dump

As I surf the ‘net I bookmark sites I plan to throw up in later entries. As I post the sites I delete the link, crafty huh? My blog link folder just keeps swelling up and I’ve got to do something about it because it’s driving me slowly insane. Remember most images are links, so click away.

Stuff like this always bugs me, I don’t save e-mail more than a week and I don’t save sent stuff at all. I suppose it goes back to my early mac days when deleting word files and such actually freed up useful space. It doesn’t matter too much any more, how many emails would it take to fill up 20 GB? Still, the links and mail leave my computer feeling cluttered. So everything must go, NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED! How do I do it? Three words: Volume, Volume, Volume.

First by popular request:

Last week my teacher was watching a TV show about memory among Japanese schoolgirls. She was really intrigued by the whole thing, so she started telling my friend C.J. about it, and she began yelling:

“Shut up!.. Whoa! I love Japanese schoolgirls so much!”

But then when my teacher got to the part about the memory, C.J. shut up and started grinding her teeth. But later, C.J.’s cousin told me that the reason C.J. was so freaked out was because she found this weird page about memory. Often C.J. can be quite weird like that, but she kinda loves me…

Link of the day: Business Proposal

Yep, that passage is from Instant Blog Post And while a great many people have suggested I use that stuff instead of the drivel I write I’m saying “No” for the forseeable future.

I’m also rejecting suggestions that I merely mirror The Dullest Blog in the World I figure why mirror it when I’m trying to steal the title?

Tired of your iChat icon, what something customized with going for a picture? try Portrait Illustration Maker-Let’s make an Original Icon Mine came out fairly accurately.

For some odd reason I was thinking of highschool and hair bands when this caught my eye:

Yep Alice in Chains was once a hair band…

I laughed pretty hard both at that and all those stupid hair bands. I never really liked heavy metal or any of that ridiculous stuff but plenty of kids swore by it. I remember seeing a magazine cover in ’86 (or thereabout) with Judas Priest on the cover. The copy writers cover question: Can you play Heavy Metal and have Short Hair? Boy did that kill whatever small amount of respect I had for that genre. Thankfully ridiculous stuff like that doesn’t happen anymore.

Well of course it does. Take a gander:

Metal Goddess
Yep, belly dancing heavy metal rockers. With a gimmick like that how can you not go straight to the toppermost of the poppermost?
Sure you can click on the pic and explore their entire website but let me give you links to a few high points:
Metal Godess dances to Ozzy’s Crazy Train Odd there are four of them but the rest of the website only shows three.
Even better:
Tazina dances to Megadeth’s “When” Be sure to watch for the greatest air guitar moment ever. This clip killed me.

I’ve got great respect for woodworkers. And when I say woodworkeers I mean people with actual skill, not measure and cut hacks like me. I bet Vern will appreciate this:

Yep that’s a bike made of wood (teak) with a shimano drive train. I think it’s pretty cool (they sell ’em, hand made in Indonesia and all) but Bruce will probably wonder if he can get it in a fixie.

While an all wood bike is pretty cool it just doesn’t give the command of the road a humvee does. Of course gas is expensive and Humvees aren’t the most fuel efficient vehicle ever produced. So if you demand a SUV but want the benefits of cruising around in an enviromentally friendly manner I suggest: The GreenHummer

Oh, and an eco friendly car Owen Rubin would like.

I’ve been seeing more Kerry bumperstickers, some actually affixed with more than scotch tape. I also noted that Lee Iacocca, once a solid Bush supporter, is backing Kerry. Surely the President isn’t going to go down without a fight. Find out for yourself by logging on to the President’s desptop. It’s interactive, click on the “my documents” to get started.

A pretty great Airport joke

I’m a big fan of science. Science is fun, triple integrals are cool and I never travel anywhere without a pocket guide to physics. But science is used a lot in advertising, mostly to mislead. The problem is not many people know very much about science, so they’re fairly gullible. Popular Science took a look at some claims:
106 Science Claims and a Truckful of Baloney

Of corse on of the reasons more people don’t have a better grasp of science is because science just doesn’t pay. Engineering pays, programming pays etc. So most science minded people feel lucky if they can get any kind of science gig. Most but not all.
The Worst Jobs in Science

I’m not going to say everything that science does is a good idea. The whole crowd stun gun seems a little over the top.
Sweeping Stun Guns

All this science talk reminds me of one of my professors.

A great mind there. But a mind that didn’t think much about his lower extremities. Soren was one of the world’s biggest offenders when it come to… Well it’s too awful to mention on this webpage, Tim would kill me. Instead I’ll just send you here (it’s not porno, just disturbing)

Bender’s word o wisdom on family time:


Wow, that’s all I can handle for today. Tomorrow I’m unloading game links.

Tridiot rating: 141.421356% That’s way over the stated max… If you get the signifigance of the number…congrats: You know math!

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