Who could have predicted the wild ride of new products Apple unveiled last Fall? It seemed like everytime you turned around Steve Jobs was on a stage introducing a new product or two.
Are the next few months going to be just as exciting? How is Apple going to top last year?
New iPod Nanos and full sized iPods? Maybe. Actually, I would expect something in the iPod category for the holiday season.
iTunes Music Store? Who knows. Actually, I don’t really care. Unlike music, I rent most of the movies I watch. If Apple has movies to rent for a buck or two, I say bring on the movie store. However, if downloading a movie is going to cost $10-$20, I’ll keep buying the DVD.
iPhone? Again, I don’t care much about this either. Unless Apple releases a phone that is cross platform (Verizon, Cingular, etc.) I’m not interested. I have no plans on leaving my current provider just so that I can have an Apple branded phone. Even if Apple introduced an Apple branded phone service, I would still probably stay where I am. Sure, there will be plenty of Apple fans that will switch in the blink of an eye, but my guess is most won’t.
Here’s what I would like to see. How about a line of digital cameras from Apple? Sure, they attempted to get into the digital camera market once before, but the world was not ready for the Quicktakes. Now is the time for a new breed of Apple cameras.
Who better than Apple to make the next generation of digital cameras with the coolness of the iPod? I could even see an iPod-camera hybrid. That would be cool! They could come in black or white models, and be nano thin!
If Apple released a digital camera I would definitely think about buying one, assuming the price was right.
Bring on the iCam, or iPix, or whatever they want to call it!
Think about it.
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