Well, this is a much more fun game than I had thought. I don’t know why, usually Rockstar makes some of the best games, so it should not come as a great surprise to me that this game is so much fun. I had not purchased any new PS2 games in a while, having been playing 360 and Wii. But once I finally picked up the PS3, it gave me an excuse to actually start playing some of my PS2 games again.
On a recent trip to Hollywood Video, I rented two PS2 games: The Sopranos and Bully. I was actually looking forward to the Sopranos more, but after only a half-hour, I put it back in the case and returned it to the store a full two days before it was due. Boring game.
Bully, on the other hand, was almost late returning it. What a fun game. I don’t know why, but it almost has a Harry Potter-ish vibe to it. My two kids also are digging on it, but I have not let them play it too much yet. I am having too much fun with it!
Next post, I will look at the PS3, and my problems with this new game console. In a word: 1080i.
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