Kindle on the iPod

I never thought I’d buy a Kindle book. I knew there was a Kindle app for the iPhone/iPod Touch, but I had no desire to buy an electronic books from Amazon. I like the real thing.

That was before I searched for Stephen King at I was trying to find a release date for a new book due in the fall. What did I find? A book called “UR” by Stephen King for $2.99 in the Kindle Store.

I am a big Stephen King fan, and this was very tempting. I downloaded the Kindle App and had a preview sent to my iPod.

The preview told me nothing about the book (which is a Stephen King short story involving a Kindle- imagine that!). However, it let me try out the Kindle App and see if I could read on it.

I actually liked it. It was really easy to read on the iPod screen. There are size controls for the text, table of contents links, and more.

I decided to buy the book. I have been reading for the past half hour and actually enjoy it.

I’m even considering buying more in the future. This is great for planes and trips. No book to drag along, just my iPod. Althouhg I don’t know how my eyes would feel after hours of reading on the iPod.

If you haven’t tried the Kindle App out yet, you might want to. There are free books from Random House available at Amazon to test the app out.

I was pleasantly surprised (of course I don’t know if this will replace boks for me- I doubt it).

Kindle Link in iTunes

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