Man, sometimes I just can’t buy a break. The main worry most people have about flying, besides the possible mechanical malfunctions, is who will be your seat mate. Flying from Nashville to Philadelphia was a short and sweet hop, and just the warm up for the flight to Amsterdam, which happened to be on a Boeing 757, a long lean three seats a side airplane with a narrow isle down the middle.
I couldn’t believe my good fortune when I found out that not only did I have an aisle seat, but there were no others sitting next to me. Two empty seats meant that I could curl up and lay down when it was time to take my rest on our 6 1/2 hour trip.
Here’s the kicker. Just before they closed the doors this big creek gypsy (redneck) comes walking on just barely making the flight. He sat down directly in front of me. Okay, so what? Here’s what. He began talking about his troubles trying to get to the gate, and proceeded to talk, read:YELL, incessantly for the entire flight. This guy spoke REAL loud so everyone could hear what a dumb-ass he was. Why is it always the loudest guys can’t seem to shut up? By the time most of us were trying to get some rest he was still talking to no one in particular, and we had all learned about his big fat rich son, his wife who, well…”don’t get me started…” and how much money he spent on his trip to the Bahamas, New York (“I’ve been all over the world but you know there ain’t nothin’ like Charlston), and that he has friends all over the world.
I doubt that. They probably just can’t get away from him. Please, loudmouths everywhere, shut the hell up. Thank you.
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