Kick Back Christmas

I always like it when Christmas and New Years fall in the middle of the week. It means that your time off from work is that much longer. It also means that if you are a student or a teacher, your holiday is also that much longer.

With MacWorld less than a month away, you would think there would be more ‘news.’ By that I mean that the rumor mills should be churning more hype and vaportext about the latest and greatest coming out of the next keynote in San Francisco.

But there is no ‘news’ and there is no news from Apple this weekend, nor will there probably be much this next week, seeing that its Christmas and all. (If there is any, you know we will post it here at MyMac post-haste, so you won’t miss anything.)

Which means for you and I that we should kick back this Christmas and enjoy what is really important. Our loved ones, our families, and our friends. For Boomers like me, family time is doubly important, since my parents likely will not be around many more Christmases. Nor will the kids, for some of you, as they are growing up and moving out.

If you have young children and your parents are around, take time to enjoy them this long holiday season. Life is precious. Time together should be memorable by the retelling of the greatest story ever told, and by telling each other how we love and appreciate them, while we have the time to do it.

Christmas, and thinking about the one who is the center of it, is also a good time to ‘mend fences’ with family members or friends who have drifted out of fellowship with us. After all, it is the season of peace on earth and goodwill toward all men.

Macs, and the Mac ‘news’ will still be around after the holidays are over. So will life and living at the speed of business. But for now, kick back and enjoy this time. It only comes once, you know.

Have a merry Christmas, (or happy holiday for you P/C folks) and a great New Year.


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