Kensington Virtuoso Touch Stylus & Pen – Review

Virtuoso Touch Stylus & Pen
Company: Kensington
Price: $17 to $25 online

stylus black

This Virtuoso Touch Stylus and Pen from Kensington is comfortable to hold and seems precise when used with a smart phone or tablet screen. One end is a good stylus and the other end, covered by a cap with a chrome clip, is a ballpoint pen that takes Parker refills. If you want to use the pen, remove the cap and slide it over the stylus at the other end.

Superficially, a stylus seems unnecessary for a device with a touch screen interface. The more you use it, the more seductively necessary the stylus becomes. Not only do you type or make selections more accurately, but it keeps dirt and oils off your screen. If you draw on your screen, a good stylus is invaluable.

stylus white

Kensington makes a bunch of these stylus/pen combinations and prices seem to vary on the Internet. I like the fact that these come in a wide variety of colors. I’m partial to the red because it’s less likely to disappear in the clutter on my desk, unlike my old dark blue stylus that vanished a week after purchase.

MyMac Review Rating: 9 out of 10

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