Karma and more Fireworks

Do you believe in Karma?

Well, I do. Over the last few months, it seemed our family could just not get ahead on things. Every time something came up, we dealt with it, but something right around the corner was waiting to try and knock us back down again. But what can you do? Push through, keep doing what you have to do, and get by.

So then some good fortune comes our way, and things look like they will be better for the next couple months. You can’t take that for granted, you have to use the good karma you received and try and send it someone else’s way. I think I did that, we shall see. When something nice happens to the next person I pushed my good karma at, I hope they return the favor and push it onto someone else just as deserving.

I wrote a few weeks back about the idiots that live around me setting off loud fireworks already. Now that we are only four days away from the actual holiday, the firework simpletons are in full effect. As I type this up, at Midnight, I can hear either the snap-snap-snap of far away firework, or the whistling BANG of closer bottle rockets. Why fully grown adult humans get such a perverse kick out of these simple things really is beyond me. They simply have no respect for anyone else. They don’t care if families, children, are trying to sleep this late at night. All they care about is their own simple-minded enjoyment. Even if you politely ask them to stop, they won’t. In fact, they will go a step further and yell at YOU, as if YOU are the jerk. I asked someone just last year. The conversation went like this.

Me: Hey, sorry to bother you, but could you please stop lighting off fireworks? It is 2:00 AM, and my kids can’t sleep.


Drunk Firework Guy: Sorry about that, we will try and keep it down.

Drunk Wife of Firework Guy: FU&K HIM, NO WE WON’T!

Me: Thanks.

After ten more minutes, with no end in sight, the police are called. They drive by, slowly, a half hour later, don’t get out of their car, and don’t come back. The fireworks cease twenty minutes after he drives by.

Since I believe in karma, I at least know that the firework idiots will have some coming their way, and not the good sort. Of course, by looking at his wife, perhaps it already has.

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