I did not managed to get the afternoon off today, true to expectations that Mr. Murphy is a constant lurker in my life, an emergency came up. I needed to be around for a client who had some technical troubles with their site. I just take comfort that there is a replay of the ceremonies later today. Can the powers up there repeal that law already!
Last night while trying to stay cool at the porch (it was a warm 28 deg C in Vancouver), I heard this ear piercing, head splitting shriek from my next-door neighbour. So, when I went by to investigate, she is all freaked out to tell me that she saw a rat scampering away in her backyard. I cannot understand how someone can be all scared on a critter the nth time smaller than you. I bet the rat probably was all scared on her too (and especially with that shriek, everyone within a 5 mile radius would be scampering away also). If an elephant come rumbling around the neighborhood I sure would be the one scared and run off to get out of its way not the other way around. We seen this situation in so many movies and cartoons and we laugh on it, but I sure do not comprehend this mouse-phobia, which surprisingly in my experience seems to afflict women. Is it genetic? Anyone can explain it to me? I do not think it is conditioning, I never heard anyone tell their kids to be afraid of creatures smaller than they are. Come to think of it, maybe it is conditioning. With all these scenes on cartoons and the media of women leaping up on top of tables and chairs on seeing a mouse, it has conditioned their impressionable minds to be afraid of them. Maybe the actual question should be, why the conditioning? *dah dah dah dah*
If my ramblings about the Olympics have not convinced you to go lock your channel to the broadcast of the Games, maybe Otto can help you. And after seeing it, if you are still not hyped up, there is no hope for you.
If you had been wondering, why I ended up being a nutcase? Look at the city I am living in:
Here we are again on some more proof of truth is stranger than fiction news:
First Item: Journey to the Center of the Earth circa 2K4
You probably read Jules Verne classic (I haven’t) and always wondered if it is true or dreamed of actually getting there. Well, wonder and dream no more, since explorer Steve Curry is organizing a 24-day expedition aboard a Russian nuclear icebreaker to find the entrance to the hollow earth and the highly advanced race of people who supposedly live there. The trip cost US $ 18,950 but promises adventures beyond your wildest dreams. Once inside you get to meet the legendary Lost Tribes of Israel who migrated there over 2,500 years ago. You get to take the inner earth monorail train to visit the Lost Garden of Eden and also visit the palace of the Great High Priest of the Inner World, which they believed to be the direct descendant of King David. Interested? To reserve a spot go to Steve Curry’s Expedition Company
Second Item: The US Army (doctors) needs you…
Ever tired of hearing your spouse complain that he/she needs a liposuction? Need to stop the exercise of figuring out where your chin end and your neck begin? Are you too impatient to wait for that call from the “Extreme Makeover†producers? The ordeal is over, according to the New Yorker magazine, members of the four branches of the US Military and their dependents are eligible for free plastic surgery (including facelift, breast enlargements and nose jobs). Army brass justified the freebies by claiming the military surgeons need patients to practice on. Check Reuters
Happy Weekend!
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