Just Links

Today I’ve got nothing. Which is odd because you would think with the frequency of my posts declining I’d have plenty say. Yeah, that’s what you’d think you bas… You’d be wrong though. See I’m a an idiot, not the keenest bulb in the drawer, not the dullest hammer in the sack, sharp as a mud fence, and plenty of other mixed metaphors that indicate my general lack of intelligence. So there you have it. Honestly, the one time I had an original thought my nose bled and the cabbie thought I gave him a one hundred dollar bill. So tonight I’m turning over to Bailey, Tim, Todd and other folks. So without further mind numbing prose..

Well a little more mind numbing stuff: Nate Eaton, who is fairly great made a reappearance in the comments section of Tim’s bigot post. I love Nate’s stuff, hope he posts something.

Side note: Beth Lock wrote something so funny, so inescapably great that I was tempted to never write again. Hey, I’m no kind of writer but seeing something that much better than the stuff I write made me want to leave the medium to people with talent. It was that freakin great. I will now post the greatest thing ever written:
I lied. You’ll just have to trust me. That drunken hello kitty story ..so funny I printed it out and hung it on the wall.

Oh well, a small taste (you want more? email Beth)

“Same as you, Hello Kitty,” said Mittens. “Bartender! Beer me!”

Hello Kitty shook the ice in her empty cocktail glass at the bartender.
“Vodka rocks with a twist, double shot.””

Ah, to the promised land, a place where all the the links load quickly and everyone knows your IP.


(disclaimer: links not solely by bailey, links not submitted by bailey should not be visited, links not visited are sole property of the people who don’t visit them, in the future baileys name may be changed to ease the challenge of alliteration, this should not be seen as a reflection on bailey rather “B” is becoming difficult)

Honestly this is one of the worst sites I have ever seen. On the other hand you see the making of mortal kombat (click around for the match head video)

How much do DC comics suck? They suck big time. Which makes Grayson even more impressive. Tim Robertson found that gem.

I hate peas, man I really hate peas. Perhaps that is why I found Eat your Peas so compelling.

If it’s a Beck video I’m going to link it. I really like Beck, so sue me.

Maps are generally unfunny things. Not this one.

So that’s some good stuff but nothing compared to the games Bailey found:

Railroad Tycoon. Very fun.

Game that takes me back:
Prince of Persia I remember when it first came out…

BL/cks Tridiot rating: Ran it on an iMac prototype, result 99.0127%

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