John Nemo’s interview w/ David Pogue

David Pogue is a name almost everyone knows, except me. When John said he was interviewing him and would I like to come along and take some pix I said…”sure, who’s David Pogue?”

I found out real fast who he was, and I was indeed impressed, mainly because when I met him he was so down to earth, funny, and relaxed behind all the hoopla, while underneath you could tell there was a sizeable amount of confidence.

As I listened to him being interviewed, first by a woman from another company, and then by our own John Nemo, I came to like him and wanting to listen to what he was saying. He presented his ideas and insights in a very accessible way. Not a lot of fancy jargon. Just a lot of knowledge and common sense, and the ability to relate it all to anyone, including me.

So here is the MANY FACES OF DAVID POGUE, with John Nemo at the helm.

img src=” john w bp XIV 72.jpg”>

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