Everyone else seems to be talking about it, so what the heck.
Nope, I did not see it live. The half-time show of the SuperBowl has stunk for the last ten years, so I never bother. Usually I take care of all the other things I wanted to do at that time, like empty an ashtray or grab a new Aquafina. So I missed the “big moment.”
The FCC is now investigating. Ohhh! Scary! I wonder if they will also investigate the advertisements during the SuperBowl as well, such as the rampant ads for male erections. Or the bestiality aspect of monkeys hitting on women. Or farting horses. All of which, of course, seems to be okay by FCC regulations to show young children during prime time. “Daddy, why does that man need the little blue pill?” “Mommy, do horses really fart and blow fire at women?”
I digress.
I have seen pictures of the “event’ however. Yes, her breast was completely exposed. No, it was not a “wardrobe malfunction” as Justin dorkboy said. It was all planned, and therefore all Janet Jackson’s fault.
You know, I have heard of sibling rivalry, but this is getting out of hand. Someone tell Janet that while Michael is getting all the attention, and she wanted a piece of the spotlight for herself, her brother’s attention is not the sort of publicity she would want. But her SuperBowl stunt does go a long way to proving just how dysfunctional this demented family really is.
All told, this will be forgotten about a month from now. As it should be. Jackson and Timberlake should both be heavily fined, as should MTV for producing this. As for CBS, I really do feel they are innocent, and that they were not told this was planned. I just don’t believe, no matter how convincing others will argue the point, that CBS would have allowed this.
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