Jackie Richards Tribute

MyMac contributor Jackie Richards died recently. She was a close friend to Suz, Nemo, and many of our friends and family members. Jackie contributed to more than 20 of our articles and podcasts, including a major two-part feature on Adobe InDesign.

Jackie iPad

Jackie was the original geeky lady. She purchased and devoured techie gear sooner and more intensely than anyone we knew. We first met Jackie after she retired, and she was going strong up to her last mouse click, digital photo edit, audio stream, and iOS app digital art creation.

Jackie sculpture

An artistic powerhouse, Jackie was a weaver, potter, jeweler, woodworker, book maker, paper artist, painter, fiber artist, sculptor, quilter, and wool spinner, plus she made her own clothes, all with style and whimsy. She was conducting local Tucson arts workshops and taking college classes every year. Jackie was a process artist  she loved making stuff, the more outrageous the better.

Jackie spinning

Jackie was both a serious and hilarious person. Her laugh could stop traffic, and she cared deeply for so many people that we considered her our collective den mother. She was ultra dedicated to her art and her tech, working on projects and articles until they met her standard of excellence.

Jackie table

She had extremely adventurous taste in home furnishings, clothing, and personal jewelry, without any vanity. Her house was an adventure in idiosyncratic tumult, and she was annually repainting her floor to simulate tiles or wood, or hanging weird ornaments from her ceiling. She had programmable light bulbs that were adjusted from an app on her iPad.

Jackie pants

In each of our lives there are a few people who make a gigantic impact. Jackie was larger than life and the life of the party.

Jackie Richards was the youngest 80 year old on the planet.

This link will help you locate some of her content.

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